Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16th, 2009

.:Of course it's complex. It's a fricken war:.

One body guard captured
One top comander killed
Both in one week

This is amazing news, but it has brought up a massive can of worms in my mind.

"if they caught his body guard, how did they not catch him?"
"what if the Ugandan government is just holding out and is actually capable of capturing Kony?"

These are questions that I have predicted people at our screenings will ask. To be honest, I had no idea how to answer them. The more I dwelled on it, the more overwhelmed I got. There are so many variables to this. It's so complex. But of course it is, it's a WAR we're talking about. Today I began to get increasingly stressed about the task at hand.


Are we out of our minds?! Our government is too worried about health care to care about the longest running war in Africa. The end to this war is not a simple 1,2,3. There are so many variables and a dangerously complex webbing.

And then I remembered.

I remembered what drew me to Invisible Children. I was 14 when I saw Bobby, Jason, and Laren on Oprah for the first time. The story they told pulled at my heartstrings. but the punk kid inside me kept saying,
"our government is too corrupt to do anything. We can't do anything"
But IC proved me wrong. GNC took place and I saw with my own eyes something so outrageous.

We had a voice

I realized that America is not made up by our government but by the individuals who take a stand for what they believe in. The ones who use their voice to make a difference. They are out there, we are out there.

This is going to be hard. We're trying to end a freakin war. There was a fire started in me today, a fire that I KNOW is within each and every one of us. Now is the time to be awakened, now is the time to stand up for what we believe in. While the task at hand is so large that it is almost too hard to grasp, we not only can, but will see and end to this war.

If you haven't already, please sign the Citizen's Arrest Warrant at
and do your part in bringing these kids home.

1 comment:

  1. Jes, this is INCREDIBLE! I am even more excited now than I was five minutes ago about meeting you in Milwaukee. I cannot wait until October. Keep up the good work...keep fighting the good fight. <3 We can do this.
