Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Dinosaur Life

I feel the need to discuss my absolute love and adoration for Motion City Soundtrack, but namely Justin Pierre.

Stop. Did Jes just admit to liking MCS?

Yes, yes I did.

If you know of MCS, you've probably heard songs like 'LG Fuad', 'Everything Is Alright', and 'This Is For Real'. While these are catchy songs, they are not why I love them so much. I do enjoy the upbeat mood that is encouraged by the moog, and the awesomness of Justin's Hair, but there's something more than that which I love dearly.


"What makes me so different? The insides work the same. You ever fear the dark? Impressions of your future:The slightest gravestone whisper, the stillness of your heart. I feel it growing dark. A fever inching deeper; a fever inching to the core. I'll kick tomorrow, fight back at the pouring rain. I'll send the weekends down the drain, down the drain." -The Weakends

"I have apologized a billion times when I've gone off the wall like Buster Rhymes. And pulled a stupid stunt that left you thinking there was something wrong with me. You've thrown a few choice phrases at my way and I've ignored them all as best I could. Except that tiny bit how I just can't commit. There was some truth in what you say" -Stand Too Close

"Last night I fell in love without you. The coup de grĂ¢ce that set me off would've made for decent fiction. Every aching wound will cauterize and bruise in memory of what we used to call in love. And only time will tell if violins will swell in memory of what we used to call in love.
Used to call it...
Last night I fell in love without you. The stars at night aren't as big and bright as you make them out to be." -Fell In Love Without You

I'm not asking you to leave. I'm just begging you to let me get some sleep. I've lied awake for far too long. I get so sick and tired of witnessing the dawn
As summer hangs on the horizon, desire jumps the fence and hightails to the sea. A subtle tale turns into nightmares. Without the sentence structure nothing functions, no one has a clue if it's me or if it's you. Was it me or was it you?" -Not Asking You to Leave


Justin has been through some messed up stuff. Even though we have led entirely differently lives and are talking about compeltely different situations, my entire life can be summed up in just a few of his songs. From love to personal fears, he gets it all. There are a few bands out there that sing about topics that I can relate to, but Justin uses the exact words that go through me mind.

So that's my gush about MCS. I could go on forever (no really, I could) but I think you should just go check them out for yourself.

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