Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22nd, 2009

"I'll sacrifice one moment for one truth"

Wichita, Kansas: We're on our way back to San Diego (15 hours into our 36 hour drive) and meeting up with Great Lakes around lunch time. I've had sometime to reflect on the fact that the road part of tour is over, though to be honest I'm still processing the last 2 and a half months. With the musical talents of Finch and Alkaline Trio flooding my headphones for the past 4 hours, I think I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that in 2 days I won't be living out of a van.

I've been able to talk to a few people in order to externally process my experience on the road. I've learned the best and the worst sides of my character. Overall I think I've grown up tremendously over the past 4 months. I've always been one to stick true to who I am, but I feel I've finally discovered just who that person is. I'm no longer just sticking to morals and ideas, they are my morals and ideas. I've discovered my own capacity of dedication and how I can push it so much further. I have accomplished so much more than I had ever imagine and gained a great amount of knowledge. I sincerely feel like I own IC more than I could ever repay, because I have gained so much from this experience and I would like it to continue.

I'm sure I'll dive further into the things I have taken away from this, but it's my turn to pump gas.

1,663 miles to go

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18th, 2009

We've been staying with the Pahls for the past 3 days and loving it.

Adam came to visit us for a week and we dropped him off yesterday. While he was here, I managed to capture one of the major things we love about him.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3rd, 2009

I honestly couldn't tell you what city I'm in right now.

Judging by the week, I'd put my money on Milwaukee.
Please don't quote me on that.

Kelsey is at a wedding so it's just me and the boys this weekend. We're at Caribou today, catching up on some s4s calls and organizing the van.
Paul and I did 7 screenings yesterday.
I love days like that but I'm always so drained at the end of the day.
I'm finding myself getting restless when we stay in the same town for too long. I thought that the new city every day thing was going to be hard for me, but in actuality I enjoy it.
I wish I had more time to update this or to even call some of you, but the road and IC has become my life. I'm loving every last bit of it though. Kelsey said something the other day that I think just about all of us on the road can identify with.

"Even though I have no set address, I feel more at home than ever"

Ever have one of those moments when you realize you're where you belong?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22nd, 2009

It cuts be off halfway through. I'll make another one later when I'm not as dead.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16th, 2009

.:Of course it's complex. It's a fricken war:.

One body guard captured
One top comander killed
Both in one week

This is amazing news, but it has brought up a massive can of worms in my mind.

"if they caught his body guard, how did they not catch him?"
"what if the Ugandan government is just holding out and is actually capable of capturing Kony?"

These are questions that I have predicted people at our screenings will ask. To be honest, I had no idea how to answer them. The more I dwelled on it, the more overwhelmed I got. There are so many variables to this. It's so complex. But of course it is, it's a WAR we're talking about. Today I began to get increasingly stressed about the task at hand.


Are we out of our minds?! Our government is too worried about health care to care about the longest running war in Africa. The end to this war is not a simple 1,2,3. There are so many variables and a dangerously complex webbing.

And then I remembered.

I remembered what drew me to Invisible Children. I was 14 when I saw Bobby, Jason, and Laren on Oprah for the first time. The story they told pulled at my heartstrings. but the punk kid inside me kept saying,
"our government is too corrupt to do anything. We can't do anything"
But IC proved me wrong. GNC took place and I saw with my own eyes something so outrageous.

We had a voice

I realized that America is not made up by our government but by the individuals who take a stand for what they believe in. The ones who use their voice to make a difference. They are out there, we are out there.

This is going to be hard. We're trying to end a freakin war. There was a fire started in me today, a fire that I KNOW is within each and every one of us. Now is the time to be awakened, now is the time to stand up for what we believe in. While the task at hand is so large that it is almost too hard to grasp, we not only can, but will see and end to this war.

If you haven't already, please sign the Citizen's Arrest Warrant at
and do your part in bringing these kids home.

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 15th, 2009


ugggghh Kintera!!!!

First screening went down tonight.
It went fairly well, especially for our first time.
Definitely things to improve on, but at least we didn't die!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10th, 2009

.:We need to Rescue and Recover that chip:.

New England, East Coast, Great Lakes, Midwest, and Northern Exposure drove for 24 hours straight. Ok technically it wasn't straight because everyone but NorEX pulled off to the side of the road for a 2 hour power nap.

Right before our nap we saw a, get this, Chupacabra. Make fun of us all you want but we know what we saw, no doubt.

We got back on the road at 8am and this was the glorious sight;

Now we're in Denver, Colorado and about to fall asleep.

Oh, and here's a family portrait for y'all


Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4th, 2009

.:Do beavers bite:.

There's a lot I KNOW I need to catch up on.
But it's 11:36pm
I haven't showered in 3 days
I need to do laundry
I've obtained 4 hours of sleep since wednesday
My contacts are foggy
I saw the Working Title tonight
We launch in 5 days
Adam got me addicted to Blackpool Lights

Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30th, 2009

.:Let's be honest here, you'll probably die:.

I have some form of a GNARLY bug bite on my ankle. It's getting really really bad so I'm going to go to the health clinic tomorrow. We were sitting at Starbucks today when Brian turned to me and said,

"Let's be honest here, you'll probably die"

What an amazingly thoughtful way to brighten the mood Brian.

When I got back home I called Adam to let him know what was and that I'm going to go to the health clinic tomorrow. Halfway through leaving him a message I realized that my speech pattern is like Brian's, my intonation is Adam's, my vocabulary is like Chad's, and my voice sounds like Claire's. You live with these people long enough and you find you're becoming more and more alike.

August 30th, 2009

.:But, Finding Nemo doesn't have viral zombies:.

I do have a bit that needs to be posted regarding the past 2 days, but my battery is low and it's too late to gather my thoughts and feelings regarding the matter. Instead I'll update on today.

We won the Flash doll! Brenden kicked butt on 'Deal or No Deal' which contributed to the final 400 tickets. From there he went on to win another 1700 tickets. We ended up with the Flash doll AND the Superman doll.

After that we came back home and sat around for a bit. I had my own jam session in the loft because it was too hot for anyone else to survive upstairs. T'was nice. After that Brenden, Clark, Kelsey, Brian and I went to Round Table and ate junk food, followed by arcade games.

We got back just in time for me to watch The Truman Show with Becky and John. From there we debated on the next film.

"Let's watch 28 Days Later"

"Yesss. Love 28 Days Later."

"What is that about?"


"They are NOT zombies"

"Yes they are. They're viral zombies."

*enter long debate about what makes a zombie*

"Let's watch Finding Nemo"


"Why not"

"Because Finding Nemo does not have viral zombies"


Oh and btw, I really think we should be a bit more careful with allowing John to pick out his own outfits.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26th, 2009

.:We have no thermometer on what it takes to end a war:.

I will start with this.
Laren Poole is one of the most brilliant men I have ever had the great pleasure of meeting.

I'm not sure how much I am allowed to reveal concerning the "objective" of this tour.
So I'll play it safe and just tell you that it is effin HUGE.
I can hardly wrap my brain around it and I've had 3 weeks to adapt to it.
This IS our moonshot.

For years we have talked about how badly we to end to this war.
We had no clue where to begin.
We had no clue as to what our role in this was.

We had a Movement meeting today where we finally discussed in full length what it is that we will be doing in just 2 weeks.
Not in the "this is how a tour goes" way, but a "this is how your tour will go" way.
I am sure that every single tour that has gone before us has felt the same way my class does now.
I'm starting to realize how much of a daunting task the spring 09 roadies had when they realized The Rescue was to take place.

For years we have talked about how badly we need to end this war.
We had no clue where to begin.
We had no clue as to what our role in this was.

Now we do.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25th, 2009

.:Yes, I did just drool on myself. Quit laughing:.

Things just keep building up. Today was the day where the stress level went through the roof.
We all saw it coming.
The day where you start arguing with your best friend in the house.
The day you begin to give up on your contacts.
The day where you take every little thing personally.

The day.

And then out of no where, Ms. Margie gives the greatest and most inspirational speech of all time.
We all begin to remember why we're here.
We see how much we truly love one another.
...and how much we love the cause.

Though it started as a destructive and downer day, it end with that light up ahead.
Not saying things will get any easier.
But there has been a new hope instilled in us all.

Tomorrow is another day.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Andrew P, Chad, Catherine, Clark, Amy


Part of our photo scavenger hunt


This is our moon shot


This could be love.

August 24th, 2009

.:How many roadies does it take to open a can of spaghetti o's:.

The answer to that is 3.5
Yes 3.5

It started with myself, struggling to get it open.
Then Clark came to the rescue...well, sort of.
He struggled with it for a while and eventually gave up.
I picked it back up and went at it again.
Then Colin came and watched me while making semi snarky remarks (hence the .5)
When I was about to give up and was dumb enough to try and pry it open with my fingers (yeah, stupid), Stephen came to the rescue.
I seriously thought he wasn't going to get it.
Sure enough Stephen came through.
So I had spaghetti o's for dinner.

The pressure is on right now.
9 office days to book screenings.
I have 2 contracts in.
4 more are on their way.
3 more are being handled by high schoolers.
I made 32 cold calls today.
I need 22 screenings before I hit the road.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23rd, 2009

.:Just another weekend in Roadieville:.

Hey there.
Long time no talk.

Many of you keep asking,
"Jes, what do you even do every day?"

While the answer to that is far more complicated than I care to go into, I will tell you the tale of our typical roadie weekends.

Saturday was spent wandering around dowtown San Diego with Brian, Kelsey, Bert, and M'lyssa. We took the trolley in and as soon as we were off it, Bert announces that he has lost his phone. Yup. He and Brian take off down the street in hopes of catching it but ended up epically failing. Bert was probably the calmest of us all. We then proceeded to head to Urban Outfitter...ick.

After 45 minutes of me complaining about hot disgustingly over priced the place was, we finally headed out to Sam Goody. The greatest thing about this Sam Goody was the fact that it had 3 levels to it. After that we went and ate a T.G.I Fridays. Then we caught the trolley home. I feel so weird calling it the trolley. I actually typically don't. I fight everyone in the house and call it the train. We got back home around 10:30pm. Bert and I stayed up on the boys floor and watched the complete novel version of The Outsiders. Half way through I joined Amy, Andrew, and Jen and went to the gas station where I bought nachoes, orange juice, and a red bull (am I boring you yet?). After Ousiders I stayed up another 2 hours reading comic books.

Today. Oh boy today.
Today I made it a point to sit down and talk with the people I have yet to really talk to. Surprisingly enough there are quite a few. In a house full of 60 people you have a tendency to gravitate towards a repetative groups. Today I talked to Taylor for a while which was nice. Taylor and I talked non stop on FB before we came out here. It funny how that changes a bit once you get out here. Anyways, yeah talked to Taylor for a while. Before that I took a nap on the guys' couch. Surprisingly enough the guys floor is quieter than the girls floor. ANYWAYS. Kelsey and I went out to Shaky's Pizza with Clark and Brenden. Oh my goodness. Shaky's is pretty much a Chucky Cheese without the rat. Clark, Brendan, and I became obsessed with winning a a Flash doll.

We took the trolley back home and had a house meeting. Then I sat on the couch and read books with John and Becky. John just so happens to be one of my new favorite people . He's freakin hilarious and has one of the most contagious laughs. We managed to devour half a package of oreos in the span of 5 minutes. So basically John rocks hardcore. Now I'm sitting on the couch with Chad, talking to Clark about musicals and comic books.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 11th, 2009

This is the first time I've had both the time, will, and energy to write a blog. The best part? I have no idea what to write. I guess I'll just start with the basics and go from there?

Well I live in a loft with 7 other girls, in a house with 60 people in total. Crazy, right? Well I love it. I totally thought I'd get sick of it real fast. To be honest I've reached the point where I feel awkward when there's silence.

Honestly I don't think I could begin to write the thoughts and emotions that I've experienced over the past week. Just know that I'm having the time of my life.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 1st

What's this? Yet ANOTHER Jes blog? Yes, yes it is! This is however, a very special Jes blog.

Welcome to my roadie blog. This is where I will be updating all of you on the amazing events that are to take place over the next few months. Before we get into that, there's a bit I should fill you in on.

For starters, I leave on August 4th.
I am a Midwest roadie :)
My team mates are David Morrison, Kelsey Corbin, and Paul Parent
They all rock

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go finish packing.